Monday, April 26, 2010

updo with black flower plus

Hi everyone. Yep, it's been a while. First post for the year 2010. I was watching some locs on youtube and got inspired by Chescalocs and Fauryn78 and came up with my own spin on some updos. Thank you both. You are awesome and I love your videos on youtube! Since I've been absent so long, this week i will be updating some hairstyles that i've been playing with. Stay tuned.


V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Welcome Back! The style is very pretty!

Audrey's Pleasure said...

thank you luv!

z said...

Very pretty! I kinda wish that you took a picture of the back so that we could see what it looked like. Were you holding it in place or was it pinned up? :-)

Lock University said...

How fun! Glad to see that you are back

Audrey's Pleasure said...

thanks dewdrop. i surely was holding it in place because i didn't have any pins handy,nand i only wanted to tuck the hairs in. but tucking kept it too loose so i held it in place..